End to End Performance Automation
for Zero Trust Access Product


Benison was engaged with a client for End-to-End Performance Automation. The main objective here to avoid manual regression of different test cases for multiple releases and multiple products . 

Storing the test results for 6 months in DB which helps in comparing the field Issues logs.


Design and Development of REST based MVC automation Framework. Implementation of scheduler logic to distribute the resources for various Products .


End to End Performance Automation  using REST

Successfully Delivered the framework within strict timed lines. Integrated Framework with Jenkins using Jenkin Plugin​.


Ruby on Rails​, REST​, VPN Technologies​, Jenkins, Redis, Memcache, Sidekiq


Benison used RoR framework to develop the End-to-End Performance Automation

The REST based framework is designed on MVC (models-view-controller) architecture. 

Different End points have been developed to execute CRUD operations. 

Depends on requirements each end point has different Logic as well different operations.  Scheduler decides the resources for each test case and execute the resources depends on resource availability.