Cloud Based VPN Brokers and Gateways
To Develop the NextGen Revolutionary Mobile Point of Sales Systems
- Item Set Up Add amounts quickly to the cart just by entering the price.
- Payment Processing Get fast, reliable, and secure transactions with Vantiv’sawardwinning payment processing.
- Reporting and Dashboard Detail reporting accessible from any mobile device or laptop.
- Color Tagging Pick a color and easily sort on the home screen to find what is needed.
- Transactions and Refunds Transactions view should allow to see past transactions. Void a sale or make a return quickly and efficiently.
- Complete Visual design, Interaction Design and Conceptual Design by our UI/UX team.
- Native app development for iOS devices.
- Payment integration with various payment service providers.
- Cloud support using PAAS platforms Parse/Firebase.
- Migrating existing customer’s data from Parse to Firebase.
- Hardware integration Credit card reader, barcode reader, printer and cash drawer.
Xcode, objectiveC, Parse, Firebase, AngularJS, JSON, SQL, REST